Civic Society
Harrogate History - A guide to resources
Sources for the history of Harrogate can be found in many places. What follows is a brief guide to what there is and where they are to be found.
Harrogate Library
is on Victoria Avenue, Harrogate and contains a wide range of source material. For information on current opening times and other enquiries you may contact the library directly by phone,email or visiting their website.
01609 536658 Harrogate.library@northyorks.gov.uk https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/harrogate-library
The main records of interest are: (click on the picture)
To find out more about all of these Library resources :
In addition there are many records held regionally at the following offices :
(click on the picture)
To find out more about all of these Regional resources :
Much of the above relates to the modern history of Harrogate, from 1841, when the local government body the Improvement Commission was created and the first detailed census was carried out. But it by no means exhausts the material available.
For records and their location, including the National Archives at Kew in London and particularly those relating to earlier periods of the town’s history, the best guide is Malcolm Neesam’s Harrogate Great Chronicle 1332-1841 published in 2005 by Carnegie Publishing. In addition to providing details of a wide range of sources and their location, it reproduces many examples on an accompanying CD-ROM.
There are also two local societies which are concerned with the town’s history and carry out research:
Harrogate & District Family History Society
Harrogate and District Family History Society exists to promote and encourage the public study of family and local history in the Harrogate district. It holds regular meetings and produces a journal and publications of local records.
Bilton Historical Society
Bilton Historical Society is concerned with this part of Harrogate and may be contacted via email or visiting their website. The society holds regular meetings, researches and publishes the results.