Civic Society

Bottling Plant
Harrogate Spring Water
The long running planning issues for Harrogate Spring Water’s bottling plant on Cornwall Road rumble on. Outline Planning permission was granted in 2017 for an extension of the plant into HBC owned land known as Rotary Wood. This woodland area was planted by volunteers (The Rotary Club of Harrogate being instrumental in this) 15-20 years ago and is much used by the public. It is managed by a local charity (The Pinewoods Conservation Group) and adjoins the larger Pinewood area, and is registered as an Asset of Community Value.
Pinewoods Conservation Group
HSW then applied in 2019 for a larger area to be developed, encroaching further on Rotary Wood. The 2017 permission required HSW to provide compensation (by way of additional planting nearby) for the bio diversity lost as a result of the 2017 application (and the additional loss if the 2019 application was approved). The proposed larger extension was rejected by HBC’s Planning Committee in January 2021, on the grounds that the off-site planting offered was not sufficient compensation for lost biodiversity, and that the loss of part of the Asset of Community Value was contrary to local planning policy.
Harrogate Civic Society had opposed the 2017 application, and together with PCG, Zero Carbon Harrogate, Harrogate Greens, The Rotary Club of Harrogate and the Duchy Residents’ Association opposed the 2019 proposals. In particular, HCS was concerned about the loss of land to which the public have access, and of trees which are part of the woodland setting on the edge of Harrogate. Of course, HSW still has its 2017 planning permission and it is hoped that some constructive discussion can take place in the coming months, involving the PCG/HCS/ Zero Carbon and Greens on a more suitable bio diversity compensation scheme, and proposals to compensate for the loss of public access.
HBC will also have to, as a separate matter, follow the Asset of Community Value legal procedure for disposal (even if it is a lease only) of the part of Rotary Wood that is affected.
Zero Carbon Harrogate