Civic Society

Station Parade
Harrogate Station Gateway
Following consultation with our membership, the Civic Society submitted a response to the second consultation on the County Council’s proposal for the Station Gateway. This re-stated our substantial concerns to the single lane proposal along the central section of Station Parade and also raised a number of detailed concerns about the way that the proposal could adversely impact pedestrians, particularly the disabled and those with children. In addition, we stated that we considered the proposed design for Station Square to be poor and that it would not reflect or enhance the character of Harrogate.
The proposals for the Station Gateway (together with similar schemes in Skipton and Selby) was considered by the Council’s Executive on 25th January 2022. We were very concerned to note that our response was not included in the report on the consultation and there was no indication that it had been considered by the Council’s officers. We were also concerned that the report setting out the economic case for the proposal was only made available the day before the Executive’s meeting, allowing no time for businesses who will be affected by the scheme to examine and respond to it.
A representative of the Society spoke at the Executive meeting, summarising our various concerns but it was clear from the beginning that no weight was to be given to any objections (partly because the Borough Council had indicated that it was entirely behind the proposal). The scheme was voted through unanimously.