Civic Society

The Tempietto in Station Square
The Civic Society has been consulted by Harrogate Borough Council on the proposed removal of the Tempietto to allow for the re-design of Station Square as part of the Station Gateway project (Refs: 22/04361/FUL and 6.79.14955.FUL). The Society is very concerned that alternative locations for the Tempietto have not been considered and queries whether it is appropriate to agree to its removal before the final design for Station Square has been approved.
The Tempietto is not a historic structure but its design was carefully based on the work of Palladio and it has been an attractive element within the Harrogate Conservation Area for approximately 30 years. Careful dismantling of the Tempietto would allow it to be incorporated into the re-design for Station Square but this does not appear to have been seriously considered. Alternatively, another location elsewhere in the town would be possible. The Society strongly objects to the waste of a well-designed, stone-built artefact and has written to the Council indicating that, at this stage, no application to demolish the Tempietto should be determined.