Civic Society

WMP Programme cover
War Memorial Centenary
1 September to 12 November 2023
100 years
1163 names
1 Major exhibition
14 Illustrated talks
2 Film screenings
This year marks 100 years since Harrogate’s war memorial was unveiled by Henry Lascelles, 6th Earl of Harewood on 1st September 1923 in a ceremony apparently witnessed by 10,000 spectators. The memorial has stood in Prospect Square for nearly a century proudly recording the names of 1163 local men and women who lost their lives in two world wars. To mark this milestone, a project has been launched to match those names with their stories.
The War Memorial Centenary Project Group, which started planning in January, is chaired by HCS member Nigel McClea, who added, "We have an amazing group of volunteers from a number of local groups and organisations who have in my opinion put together a magnificent programme of events not only to help make sure our war dead are never forgotten but also to help us learn more about the war memorial’s structure plus its social history and it’s importance to Harrogate".
The centenary centrepiece is a multi-media immersive free exhibition ‘More than a name on a Memorial’ being staged in the magnificent historic surroundings of West Park URC. It’s being designed and constructed by local historian Terry-Mike Williams who was responsible for the recent highly successful The Story of Harrogate’s Railways. The exhibition also draws on the herculean efforts of another local historian Graham Roberts. All 1163 names have been researched by Graham and much has been discovered and recorded including military units, war records, photographs, cause of death, date of death and place of burial, although more than 300 of the First World War names inscribed have no known grave. This on-going research will form the core of the exhibition.
You’ll find full details in an 8-page illustrated programme which is available on the project group’s website. You’ll also find details of how to book on the free to attend talks’ programme being held at West Park URC and the two film screenings at Harrogate’s Odeon.
The Project Group would value our active support in spreading the word of all that is happening to commemorate the War Memorial centenary. An eight page illustrated programme and details of the exhibition and how to book on the ancillary events is available at https://www.thecenotaphcentenary.info Please do help with promoting this landmark event.